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Who can provide two separate responses in APA format, including a reference to the following discussion post? Caring for East Indian Hindu, Haitian, & Jewish PopulationsFamily Structure in East In

Who can provide two separate responses in APA format, including a reference to the following discussion post?

Caring for East Indian Hindu, Haitian, & Jewish PopulationsFamily Structure in East Indian Hindu FamiliesIn East Indian Hindu families, the traditional family structure often revolves around a patriarchal system where the eldest male holds authority and decision-making power. Extended families are common, with multiple generations living together in the same household or within proximity. Family members typically maintain strong bonds and provide support to one another, both emotionally and financially. Respect for elders and adherence to cultural and religious traditions are highly valued within these families. The family organization may significantly influence health-seeking behavior. Due to the tight-knit nature of East Indian Hindu families, decisions regarding healthcare often involve consultation and consensus among family members, particularly elders. Seeking medical help may be delayed or influenced by traditional healing practices or religious beliefs. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental health issues may deter individuals from seeking professional help, as family members may prioritize preserving the family’s reputation over addressing mental health concerns openly.High Birth Rate in Haiti and Among Haitian ImmigrantsSeveral contributing factors lead to the high birth rate in Haiti and among Haitian immigrants. Firstly, cultural norms and traditions in Haitian culture often value large families as sources of social support and economic stability, with fertility being associated with blessings influenced by religious beliefs. Secondly, limited access to contraception and family planning services contributes to this high birth rate, as many Haitians lack adequate healthcare services in this regard, influenced by cultural taboos and religious beliefs, further reducing contraceptive usage. Thirdly, historically high infant mortality rates in Haiti have led to a cultural practice of having more children to ensure that some survive to adulthood. Lastly, socioeconomic factors such as poverty, lack of education, and limited economic opportunities also play a significant role, as larger family sizes are seen as necessary for additional labor and support in old age. Religious Needs of a Jewish Client in HospitalAccess to kosher food is essential, with meals needing to adhere to Jewish dietary laws. Observance of Sabbath, including refraining from work, lighting Sabbath candles, and attending synagogue services, should be accommodated. Privacy for prayer and religious rituals is necessary, ensuring the client has a quiet space for religious observances and access to religious texts. For newborns, arranging for a brit milah (ritual circumcision) if desired by the family and ensuring appropriate religious accommodations is important. Consultation with a rabbi or religious leader for spiritual guidance, counseling, or religious ceremonies should be offered. Moreover, respect for modesty must be ensured, with healthcare providers of the same gender available for intimate procedures and cultural norms regarding modesty and privacy being respected.

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