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wk 2 1012

Read the following resources from the 
University Library:

· “Developing a Researchable Question” in 
Project Planner

· “Eleven Pitfalls in Qualitative Research: Some Perils Every Emerging Scholar and Doctoral Student Should Be Aware of”

· “Develop a Search Strategy: Choose a Topic” > “Your Topic – Too Much? Not Enough?”

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

1. What is your dissertation topic or potential topic? Topic: ”
The Impact of Black Male Educators on Student Achievement, Behavior, and Mental Health” for grades 6th-12th .


If you are not completing a dissertation, what is the focus of a research study you might complete? You can always change your mind on the research topic! (Be sure to focus on an overarching topic, not on a question or problem you want to solve.)

· Is your dissertation topic/idea feasible? Does your topic fall into one of the areas of being too broad, too narrow, or too recent? If so, present some ideas on what you might consider to achieve a feasible research study.

Include your own experience as well as 2 citations from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources that align with or contradict your comments. Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. If you found information that contradicts your experience, explain why you agree or disagree with the information.

Discussion2 :

art 1: Institutional Review Board (IRB)

· Review the IRB information on
CDS Central in the Dissertation Services section.

· Select Registering for IRB in the IRB Resources table and follow the steps to register.

Once you have registered with IRB, download the 
What is Research? document at the end of the list of Forms and Templates.

As the first part of your response, describe in your own words (approximately 150–200 words) what research is and explain if your study will involve human subjects.

Part 2: Research Ethics

The development of the field of ethics in research includes numerous historical atrocities and egregious breaches of humane ethical values.

For the second part of your response, research “historical atrocities and research ethics” and share one historical violation that prompted the implementation of ethical standards in research (approximately 150-200 words).

Include your own experience as well as 2 citations from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources that align with or contradict your comments. Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. If you found information that contradicts your experience, explain why you agree or disagree with the information.

Assignment 1

Knowing the difference between applied and basic research is necessary to develop an effective research study. The difference between basic research and applied research lies in their respective aims. 

Basic research refers to research aimed at acquiring new, fundamental knowledge and theoretical understanding of basic human and other natural processes without any particular application in view. 

Applied research also is conducted as an original investigation to acquire new knowledge, but it is primarily directed toward practical objectives with the aim of providing relatively immediate solutions.


This assignment has two parts. 
Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. 


Part 1: Article Analysis


Locate an applied research article on a topic in your program of study (e.g., DBA, DHA, DM, EDD) from the 
University Library. To familiarize yourself with the different applied designs, 
review the qualitative and quantitative research designs in the CDS Dissertation Guide on 
CDS Central. Program of Study Doctor of Education.


Key words to use while searching for an article in the library might include action research, program evaluation, etc. 


Write a 350- to 525-word analysis about what makes the study discussed in the article applied versus basic research and do the following: 

· Identify the article topic (e.g., education, business, health care) and provide a link to the article.

· Explain how the study in the article addresses a real-world, practical problem.

· Explain how the results of the study could impact people’s lives, work, health, and/or general well-being.


Part 2: Access and Permission Considerations


An important aspect of choosing a topic is access or the ability to conduct your study. For example, you may want to know how leaders in a particular company use social media to increase sales, but they are unwilling to talk to you. If you are not able to gain access to the leaders, then you will not be able to gather the data you need for your study.

Additionally, when selecting a topic for your study, consider whether conducting the study would involve talking to protected classes of people or vulnerable populations. Federal regulations require protecting the welfare of vulnerable subjects who may not be of age, have the authority or ability to speak for themselves, or are vulnerable in any other way.

Protected classes include the following:

· children or minors under age 18

· prisoners

· pregnant women

· people with cognitive impairments or mental disabilities

· people who are educationally or economically disadvantaged


If you are considering conducting research with any of the protected classes of human subjects, consider options for completing your study in a different way. For example, instead of talking to minor children, talk to their parents. There are many creative options!


Write a 250- to 500-word summary in which you:

· Identify what permissions will you need to access the people, organizations, and/or data to conduct your research.

· Identify who you might need to consult to gain permission to conduct your study.

· Explain what potential issues you might encounter.

· Explain how you might address these potential issues.

Compile Part 1 and Part 2 into one document for submission.


Use the provided 
Student Paper Template to ensure proper APA formatting.


Include APA-formatted in-text citations and references.

For a well-structured scholarly paragraph please 
refer to the Paragraphing with the MEAL Plan section in Appendix B of the 
Student Paper Template


Use the APA Tutorials located in 
Doctoral Writing Resources and format your paper according to APA guidelines.  


Reminder: Before submitting your assignment, proofread for grammar and sentence structure, re-read the assignment directions, and refer to the Summative Assessment rubric to ensure each element of the assignment has been addressed.


Submit your assignment.



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