see attached
TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric
Criteria No Submission
0 points
(Criterion is missing or not
in evidence)
1-13 points
(works towards meeting
performance needs
14-16 points
(meets expectations;
performance is satisfactory)
17-18 points
(exceeds expectations;
performance is outstanding)
19-20 points
Support of
Week’s Reading
No Student
(0 points)
Does not refer to the
readings to support postings
(1-13 points)
Alludes to the readings
to support postings
(14-16 points)
Refers to examples from the
readings to support postings
(17-18 points)
Provides concrete examples from
the readings to support postings;
integrates prior readings in
(19-20 points)
Observations No Student
(0 points)
Does not integrate personal
observations or knowledge;
does not present new
(1-13 points)
Integrates personal
observations and
knowledge in a cursory
manner; does not
present new
(14-16 points)
Integrates personal
observations and knowledge
in an accurate way; presents
new observations
(17-18 points)
Integrates personal observations
and knowledge in an accurate and
highly insightful way; presents
new observations
(19-20 points)
Response to
No Student
(0 points)
Responds in a cursory
manner to classmates’
(1-13 points)
Constructively responds
to classmates’ postings
(14-16 points)
Constructively responds to
classmates’ postings; offers
insight that encourages other
students to think critically
about their own work.
(17-18 points)
Constructively responds to
classmates’ postings; masterfully
connects the material presented
in classmates’ postings to their
responses; encourages classmates
to think critically about their own
(19-20 points)
Word Choice,
and Sentence
No Student
(0 points)
Posts are disorganized and
information is not presented
in a logical sequence; word
choice and sentence
structure are not suitable
(1-13 points)
Posts are somewhat
disorganized, and
information is not
presented in a logical
sequence; word choice
and sentence structure
are not suitable
(14-16 points)
Posts are organized, and
information is presented in a
logical sequence; word
choice and sentence
structure are suitable; there
are a few errors; however,
errors do not affect
(17-18 points)
Posts are organized and
information is presented in a
logical sequence; word choice and
sentence structure are suitable;
no errors in the response.
(19-20 points)
References No Student
(0 points)
Includes no sources to
support conclusions
(1-13 points)
Includes 1 outside
source to support and
enrich the discussion;
Includes 2 or more outside
sources to support and
enrich the discussion;
sources are properly cited in
Includes 2 or more outside
sources to support and enrich the
discussion; sources are cited using
APA format; style guidelines are
TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric
sources are not properly
cited in APA format
(14-16 points)
APA format and are properly
integrated into the discussion
(17-18 points)
masterfully integrated into the
discussion response.
(19-20 points)