- Reflect on your learning experience in this course. Which concepts stood out to you and made an impact? How do you envision using these concepts in your future nursing practice as a master’s prepared nurse?
- Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve Program Outcome 1: Provide high-quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles.
- Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE of the sub-competencies from the advanced-level nursing education competencies from AACN Essentials Competency 1.2 Apply theory and research-based knowledge from nursing, the arts, humanities, and other sciences.
JOURNAL ENTRY #1 On any given day, a nurse can play a pivotal role in someone’s life. Experienced nurses often share stories of previous experiences and draw upon these experiences when circumstances warrant. Hence, reflection can be a valuable tool. It serves as a tool for not only recalling experiences