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For this Blog, you will share your progress, thus far, on the Literature Review Assignment that you are currently working on. Specifically, you will share your proposed practice question, PICOT format, and proposed search strategies. This is a unique opportunity to receive valuable feedback from your colleagues, which you can incorporate to improve your Assignment.

By the end of the week, please reflect upon the feedback you received. Apply

whatever feedback you find valuable as you work toward completing your Literature Review Assignment. This Assignment is due by 
Day 7 of Week 10.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


Learning Resources

Required Readings: Literature Review Assignment Resources

Note: These resources were previously presented in Week 8.

· Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). 
Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International. 

· Chapter 5, “Searching for Evidence” (pp. 99–128)

· Chapter 6, “Evidence Appraisal: Research” (pp. 129–162)

· Chapter 7, “Evidence Appraisal: Nonresearch” (pp. 163–188)

Appendix B, “Question Development Tool” (pp. 283–288)
Download Appendix B, “Question Development Tool” (pp. 283–288)

Appendix E, “Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” (pp. 297–306)
Download Appendix E, “Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” (pp. 297–306)

Appendix F, “Nonresearch Evidence Appraisal Tool” (pp. 307–314)
Download Appendix F, “Nonresearch Evidence Appraisal Tool” (pp. 307–314)

Appendix G, “Individual Evidence Summary Tool” (pp. 315–316)
Download Appendix G, “Individual Evidence Summary Tool” (pp. 315–316)

Appendix H, “Synthesis and Recommendations Tool (pp. 319–323)
Download Appendix H, “Synthesis and Recommendations Tool (pp. 319–323)

Note: Be prepared to complete and submit Appendices B, G, and H for your Assignment this week.

Also Note: You previously purchased this text for NURS 8002.

· Bermudez, N. (2021). 
Formulating well-written clinical practice questions and research questionsLinks to an external site.
Nursing and Health Sciences Research Journal, 4(1), 70–82.

· Echevarria, I. M., & Walker, S. (2014). 
To make your case, start with a PICOT questionLinks to an external site.
Nursing, 44(2), 18–19.

· Ford, L. G., & Melnyk, B. M. (2019). 
The underappreciated and misunderstood PICOT question: A critical step in the EBP processLinks to an external site.
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 16(6), 422–423.

Note: The following resources also appear in NURS 8002.

· OASIS. (n.d.). 

Analyze and evaluate research articlesLinks to an external site.
 [Interactive media]. Walden University.

· OASIS. (n.d.). 

Break a topic into keywordsLinks to an external site.
 [Interactive media]. Walden University.

· OASIS. (n.d.). 

Evaluate resourcesLinks to an external site.

 [Interactive media]. Walden University.


Grading evidenceLinks to an external site.
 [Interactive media]. Walden University.

· OASIS. (n.d.). 

Locate, cite, and reference journal articlesLinks to an external site.
 [Interactive media]. Walden University.

· OASIS. (n.d.). 

Paraphrase and summarize informationLinks to an external site.
 [Interactive media]. Walden University.

· OASIS. (n.d.). 

SynthesisLinks to an external site.
 [Multimedia]. Walden University.

· OASIS. (n.d.). 

Synthesize literatureLinks to an external site.
 [Interactive media]. Walden University.

· Walden University. (2021). 

DNP glossaryLinks to an external site.
 [Interactive media]. Walden University Canvas.

· Walden University Library. (n.d.). 

Ask a librarianLinks to an external site.
Note: Use this website to find answers to common questions or to contact a librarian directly.

· Walden University Library. (n.d.). 

Databases A–Z: NursingLinks to an external site.

· Walden University Library. (n.d.). 

Evaluating resources: Primary and secondary sourcesLinks to an external site.

· Walden University Library. (n.d.). 

Subject research: NursingLinks to an external site.

Note: This database is a good starting point for nursing related searches.

· Walden University Quick Answers. (n.d.). 

How do I verify that my article is peer reviewed?Links to an external site.



Week 9 Blog: Peer Feedback: Practice Questions and Search Strategies.

· Traumatic experiences leave long-lasting negative effects on traumatized individuals, families and society as whole. Trama-informed care (TIC) is a therapeutic framework that can help mitigate the negative consequences of prolonged trauma on a person’s current and future health (Bargeman, et al., 2021). Moreover, adults and pediatric patients continue to experience post traumatic symptoms which begs the question if Trama-informed care is inadequately used in psychiatric and behavioral care settings for adults and pediatrics with traumatic experiences.

· Proposed Practice Question:

· In adults and children with history of trauma and receiving care in psychiatric care settings, is implementation of Trauma-informed care (TIC) compared with standard psychiatric practices reduce post-traumatic stress symptoms w

· one year?

· PICOT Format:

· P (Population):

· Adults and children with current or previous experience of trauma and receiving psychiatric care for trauma related disorders, for example, PTSD, acute stress disorders and adjustment disorders.

· I (Intervention):

· Implementation of Trauma-informed care (TIC) in psychiatric and behavioral health hospitals.

· C (Comparison):

· Standard psychiatric patient care practices without Trama-informed care integration.


· O (Outcome):

· Improved patient outcomes through reduction of trauma related symptoms, readmissions rate and improved treatment adherence.

· T (Time):

· Measured within twelve months of Trauma-informed care implementation.


· Proposed Search Strategies:

· My search strategies were customized to fit my proposed practice question using Boolean operators, truncations and filters. The databases searched through Walden Library included CINAHL, PubMed, Cochrane and PsycINFO and focused on psychiatric patients, methodologies, definitions of Trama-informed care and the types of interventions and measures used. The keywords used for my search included mental health, trauma, trauma-informed care, implementation, inadequate use, adults and children and psychiatric healthcare settings.

· Inclusion Criteria:

· Both quantitative and qualitive studies that reported on the implementation of trauma-informed care, the six core strategies of trauma-informed care, quality improvement initiatives related to trauma-informed care, trauma-informed care in psychiatric settings and adults and pediatric populations with trauma disorders were included. Additionally, literature written in English language, peer-reviewed publications within five were included.

· Exclusion Criteria

· Etiological studies, studies describing trauma-specific long -term interventions, theses with articles published, non-English studies, studies older that last five years and studies done in non-psychiatric settings were excluded.

· Research and Non-research Evidence

· The primary purpose of research is to generate knowledge, and its evidence is based on information acquired through observation or experimentation and not bare speculation. I concentrated on research evidence articles which included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with proper randomization and well-designed cohort or case-control studies.  

· Non-research focuses on theories, opinions, methods and their implications for research and aims at preventing or controlling health problems to improve health. Non-research studies included observational studies, surveys and questionnaires, case studies, and longitudinal studies.

· Explanation

· The proposed practice question, PICOT question and format, search strategies, inclusion and exclusion criteria are helpful approaches for summarizing research questions that investigates the effects of using trauma-informed care or lack of- in psychiatric settings for traumatized patients can impact outcomes. To develop a strong research question with a mapped-out PICOT format, an understanding of both the clinical area of investigation and the current and existing literature are required.  

· References

· Bargeman, M., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (2021). Trauma-informed care as a rights-based “standard of care”: A critical review. Child Abuse & Neglect, 119(Pt1). 

Links to an external site.

· Cooke, A., Smith, D., & Booth, A. (2012). Beyond PICO: The SPIDER tool for qualitative evidence synthesis. Qualitative Health Research, 22 (10). 1435-1443. 

Links to an external site.


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