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MRKT450:7:Online New Product Development (US & Global)
Discussion 1.2
© McGraw Hill 8
Considering the Best Practices in New Products stated. What are your feelings and belief that would support a new product line being presented. This is your opinion from the reading of chapter 1.
For every 100 ideas,
• Fewer than 70 make it though initial screening
• Fewer than 50 pass concept evaluation and testing
• A little more than 30 make it through development
• About 30 make it through testing
• About 25 are commercialized
• 15 of these 25 (about 60%) are successful.
• Success rate is lower in consumer goods (51%) and as
high as 65% in healthcare.
Discussion 2.1
Kellogg’s ( Explore the Kellogg’s site and get information on its new products. Based on what you see, what appears to be the corporate strategy of Kellogg’s driving new product development? Would you say there is a move away from the “core” cereal business to some extent?
Discussion 2.2
3M ( 3M has almost been synonymous with product innovation for a century. Explore this website, noting its historical product innovations as well as its newest products. What keeps a firm like 3M consistently successful with new products for so many years? What appear to be the product drivers and market drivers of new product development at 3M?
Discussion 3.1
Chapter 4 Application: Review chapter 4 and provide an answer for the following scenario:
“Lots of our people try to get good new product ideas from outsiders, but they are careful to keep it legal. I wonder though about something I ran into on a trip to Australia last fall. I met what our company people there called a professional espionage agent. He employs a network of stewards and air hostesses to gather tidbits of information overheard in the first-class compartments of international flights. Sells this information for over a million dollars a year! I wonder what suggestions I should put in a memo for employees to minimize the chances that our key new product information will be stolen by competitors.”
Discussion 3.2
Chapter 5 Application: Review chapter 5 and provide an answer for the following scenario:
“You know a lot about personal digital assistants, I imagine. Can you take me through a problem analysis, using the PDA market as an example? We are getting into the PDA business in our electronics division, with the idea of having a direct competitor to Palm, and I’m curious to see what problems you come up with that we haven’t solved yet.”
Discussion 1.2
How might the paradigm shift from competition to collaboration make the job of a leader more difficult? Could it also make the leader’s job easier? Discuss.
Discussion 2.1
Do you think leadership style is fixed and unchangeable, or can leaders be flexible and adaptable with respect to style? Why?
Discussion 2.2
Do you agree that self-awareness is essential for being a good leader? Can you think of some specific negative consequences that might result from a leader not having self-awareness?
Assignment 2.1
Chapter 4 Leadership Development: Case for development “ANiceManager”
Writing Requirements
· APA format, 3 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
· Use the APA template located in the
Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.