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world hist week 6

Explain the influence of the Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union on political and military conflicts in Latin America.

Primary sources are below. Please use two primary sources and the textbook chapter for this which is Chapter 14.2-14.4 of Kordas, A. M., Lynch, R. J., Nelson, K. B., & Tatlock, J. (2022). 
World history. volume 2: From 1400. OpenStax. The textbook is online so please use it because I will not get full credit if it is not shown in this.

John Green. (2012). Decolonization and Nationalism Triumphant: Crash Course World History #40. YouTube.

Primary Sources

Primary Sources for Discussion 11

China White Paper (excerpt), Major General Clair L. Chennault’s speech on the Chinese Civil War –May 1949. NSC-68 (excerpt) 

“Telegram from John F. Root, Office of Northern African Affairs, ‘Subject: Bulgarian Fronting For Russian Interests in Ethiopia’,” December 23, 1965, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, National Archives at College Park [College Park, Maryland], RG59, LF, AF 1958-66, b. 19, f. POL 17—Communist Bloc Ethiopia 1963. Obtained by Radoslav Yordanov.

“Urgent Note from W. Paszkowski on Conversation with Viktor Bakin, Counselor of the Soviet Embassy in Warsaw,” April 15, 1971, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Archiwum Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych [Warsaw], D.V-1972, 31/75, W-3, OG-O-240-1-71. Obtained and translated by Radoslav Yordanov.

“Message from Hungarian Ambassador in Moscow Gyula Rapai, ‘Somali Head of State’s Visit to the Soviet Union’,” December 01, 1971, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár [Budapest], XIX-J-1-j, Szomalia, 1971, 94d. Obtained and translated by Radoslav Yordanov.

“Message from Yugoslav Embassy in Beijing, ‘From Our People in Addis Ababa – For Your Information’,” December 23, 1976, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Diplomatski Arhiv Ministarstva Spoljnih Poslova Republike Srbije [Belgrade], Fond: PA, Etiopija 1976, fasc. 34, dos. 17, sig. 467630. Obtained and translated by Radoslav Yordanov.

“Letter from Roger Barltrop of British Embassy in Addis Ababa, ‘The Derg’,” May 10, 1977, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, The National Archives [Kew, London], FCO 31/2094, fo. 94. Obtained by Radoslav Yordanov.

“Letter to the GPRA Prime Minister, ‘Mission Summary’,” September 01, 1960, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Dossier 11/01/13; Fond: GPRA, 1958-62; Archives Nationales d’Algérie, Alger. Translated from French and transcribed by Pierre Asselin, with Paulina Kostrzewski.

“Note from the GPRA Secretary General to Foreign Missions and Delegations, ‘Our Foreign Policy’ ,” October 04, 1960, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Dossier 41/05/14; Fond: GPRA, 1958-62; Archives Nationales d’Algérie, Alger. Translated from French and transcribed by Pierre Asselin, with Paulina Kostrzewski.

“Development of Relations with Socialist Countries since March 19, 1961,” March 19, 1961, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Dossier 08/13/07; Fond: GPRA, 1958-62; Archives Nationales d’Algérie, Alger. Translated from French and transcribed by Pierre Asselin, with Paulina Kostrzewski.

“Notes of Meeting between Boussouf, Benaouda, and Belhocine and the Chinese Ambassador,” April 20, 1961, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Dossier 18/05/25; Fond: GPRA, 1958-62; Archives Nationales d’Algérie, Alger. Translated from French and transcribed by Pierre Asselin, with Paulina Kostrzew

“Note to the GPRA Minister of Foreign Affairs, ‘Mission to Cuba’,” January 18, 1962, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Dossier 10/03/22; Fond: GPRA, 1958-62; Archives Nationales d’Algérie, Alger. Translated from French and transcribed by Pierre Asselin, with Paulina Kostrzewski.

“Letter from the GPRA Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the GPRA Ministry of the Interior, ‘Material Assistance’ ,” February 10, 1962, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Dossier 55/03/01; Fond: GPRA, 1958-62; Archives Nationales d’Algérie, Alger. Translated from French and transcribed by Pierre Asselin, with Paulina Kostrzewski.

Directions: Using the textbook chapters and at least two of the primary sources listed in this module, write a 300-word post responding to the prompt provided as a reply in the discussion thread. Be as specific as possible in your response, basing your response on evidence rather than opinion (this may be challenging). Your response should conform to the normal requirements of formal written English, and must include in-line citations and references for all information used in APA format. After writing your post, respond to at classmate with a 150-word post that adds new information or ideas based on evidence to the discussion. Simply agreeing, saying ‘good job,” or responding with unsupported opinions is not sufficient.

Because writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of the learning outcomes of this course, all assignments should be the individual work of the student. Developing strong competencies in these areas will prepare you for a competitive workplace. For the purposes of this class, the use of generative AI platforms (ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, etc.) for analysis, writing, and editing work constitutes academic misconduct.

Compose a Reflection on Learning statement responding to one of the primary sources listed below. This is an exercise in “metacognition,” or recognizing how and what you are learning. Write 300 words about:

· What you find interesting or surprising about the source you selected? 

· Why was that information interesting or new to you? 

· What insight does it give you into American history?

Use the following to do the reflection on. You only need to do it one of these

Source 1: Nehru, J. (1956, December 18). 
Marxism, Capitalism and India’s Future [Speech transcript]. Internet Modern History Sourcebook.

Source 2:  Sukarno. (1955, April 18). 
Opening of The Bandung Conference [Speech transcript]. Internet Modern History Sourcebook.

Source 3: Sadat, A. (1957, December 26). Afro-Asian Solidarity and the World Mission of the Peoples of Africa and Asia [Speech transcript]. Internet Modern History Sourcebook.

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