Write a 4-5-page paper in which you reflect on your personal gender identity. You will discuss factors that shaped this identity throughout your life as well as your current feelings on your identity. You may choose to talk about your gender identity in conjunction with race/ethnicity, sex/gender, social class, religion, ability status or other aspect(s) of your cultural identity. You should discuss at least one additional identity. You may also cover specific important life experiences. Lastly, describe the impact of your gender identity on your worldview and professional development/career aspirations.
432/5 tasks: 1) Select two theorists from the list below. Carl Rogers, Rollo May, Martin Buber, Clark Moustakas, Abraham Maslow, James Bugental, Irvin Yalom, Kirk Schneider, Viktor Frankl, R. D. L
432/5 Section 1 tasks: 1) Select two theorists from the list below. Carl Rogers, Rollo May, Martin Buber, Clark Moustakas, Abraham Maslow, James Bugental, Irvin Yalom, Kirk Schneider, Viktor Frankl, R. D. Laing, Mick Cooper, Emmy van Deurzen. If you wish, you can locate a different theorist not listed; be