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Write a technical document and create a PowerPoint presentation for it.


Assignment Project (10 Points)
Week: 13
Available: Sunday- 5/5/2024 -11:59 AM
Deadline: Saturday- 10/5/2024- 11:59 PM
The purpose of this assignment is to:

Knowing how to write the Information Plan.
Knowing how to write The Document Outlining
Designing a Technical Document.
Assignment Questions:
You are required to write a Technical Document.

Step 1: Students should complete the Information Plan (3 points)

Step 2: Students should write the Document Outlining (3 point)

Step 3: Students should Design the Technical Document (4 points)
Submission Instructions
Submit the answer of this assignment using the attached answer sheet.
Step 1: Completing the Information Plan
Name: _______________________
Student’s ID: _________________
Section #: ____________________
1. Technical document’s topic:
2. Introduction:
3. Part One: Analysis
1.1. Audience (primary and/or secondary):
1.2. Purpose (primary and/or secondary):
1.3. User tasks (tasks and subtasks):
Part Two: Design Plans (type/ format of the technical document)
Step 2: Document Outlining
Chapter 6: pp. 86 + 87
Name: _______________________
Student’s ID: _________________
Section #: ____________________
1. Headings
2. Headings and subheadings outlining:
• Alphanumeric Notation
• Decimal Notation

Chronological Sequence
Problem-Solution Sequence
Cause and Effect Sequence or mix
• Solutions
• Suggestions
• Proposals
• Advice, etc.
Step 3: Designing the Technical Document
Name: _______________________
Student’s ID: _________________
Section #: ____________________
Suggestion Tools for Designing:
1. Canva (brochure):

2. Venngage (infographic):

3. Word Doc
ENG 103
Assignment Project
Student Name:
Student ID:
Module Title:
ENG103: Technical Writing
Out of 10 points.
Feedback to Learner:
You are required to write a Technical Document.
• Step 1: Students should complete the Information Plan (3 points)
Assignment Questions:

Step 2: Students should write the Document Outlining (3 point)

Step 3: Students should Design the Technical Document (4 points)
Step 1: Completing the Information Plan
Name: _______________________
Student’s ID: _________________
Section #: ____________________
1. Technical document’s topic:
2. Introduction:
3. Part One: Analysis
1.1. Audience (primary and/or secondary):
1.2. Purpose (primary and/or secondary):
1.3. User tasks (tasks and subtasks):
Part Two: Design Plans (type/ format of the technical document)
Step 2: Document Outlining
Chapter 6: pp. 86 + 87
Name: _______________________
Student’s ID: _________________
Section #: ____________________
1. Headings
2. Headings and subheadings outlining:
• Alphanumeric Notation
• Decimal Notation

Chronological Sequence
Problem-Solution Sequence
Cause and Effect Sequence or mix
• Solutions
• Suggestions
• Proposals
• Advice, etc.
Step 3: Designing the Technical Document
Name: _______________________
Student’s ID: _________________
Section #: ____________________
Suggestion Tools for Designing:
1. Canva (brochure):

2. Venngage (infographic):

3. Word Doc
Step 1: Completing the Information Plan
Name: Ruba Fahd Bayazeed
Student’s ID: s220019662
Section #: 10556
1. Technical document’s topic:
The Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health
2. Introduction:
Exercise has numerous benefits for our overall well-being, including significant positive impacts
on our mental health. In this document, we will explore the various ways in which exercise can
improve our Mental health.
3. Part One: Analysis
1.1. Audience (primary and/or secondary):
A wide range of people are curious about ways to improve their mental health and well- being.
My primary audience are teenagers who struggle with stress and low self-esteem and their
parents. The secondary audience are professionals in the fields of psychology, healthcare, or
1.2. Purpose (primary and/or secondary): The purpose of this document is to educate and
inform the readers about the benefits of exercise for mental well- being. The document seeks
to promote the importance of incorporating exercise into one’s lifestyle.
1.3. User tasks (tasks and subtasks): The main task this document must address:
– How exercise can improve mental health, such as reducing stress, boosting mood and
increasing self-esteem.
Part Two: Design Plans (type/ format of the technical document)
I will design an educational and informational brochure that contains information about the
benefits of exercise and tips on how to start include daily movement to your lifestyle.
Step 2:
Chapter 6: pp. 86 + 87
Name: _______________________
Ruba Fahd Bayazeed
Student’s ID: _________________
Section #: ____________________
Exercise has numerous benefits for our overall well-being, including significant positive impacts
on our mental health. In this document, I will Inform and educate individuals about the positive
effects of exercise on mental health.
• Healthy Body – Healthy Mind )Problem-Solution Sequence)
A. Brief explanation of the mind-body connection.
B. Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health
1. mood and energy
a. Discussion on the release of endorphins during exercise.
b. Showcase exercises that are known to improve mood.
2. Reducing Stress
a. Explanation of how exercise helps in reducing stress.
b. Practical tips for choosing stress-relieving exercises.
3. confidence and self-esteem
a. Exploration of how regular exercise contributes to increased confidence and selfesteem.
b. Personal anecdotes highlighting improved self-perception through fitness.
A. Tips for establishing and maintaining a consistent exercise routine.
B. Key Takeaways for Well-Being
1. Emphasize the importance of rest, self-compassion, and a balanced diet.
2. Remind readers that progress takes time; be patient with yourself
a journey where your well-being is at the
forefront – where the connection between
your body and mind is not just
acknowledged but celebrated. In this
brochure, we explore the intricate
relationship between physical activity and
mental health, showcasing the remarkable
benefits and providing practical solutions
for a healthier, happier you.
created by: Ruba Fahd
Understanding the interplay
between your mind and body is the
first step toward holistic well-being.
We often wait to feel better to
exercise, but the opposite is true:
Scientifically proven, a healthy body
nurtures a healthy mind, creating a
harmonious balance that positively
impacts your overall quality of life.
Reducing anxiety
Physical activity triggers the release
of endorphins, neurotransmitters
that act as natural mood elevators.
This can help alleviate symptoms of
depression and anxiety. Regular
physical activity can help regulate
cortisol, the stress hormone
Benefits of Exercise
for Mental Health:
Mode and energy
Engaging in physical activity from
invigorating cardio routines such as
dancing to soul-soothing stretches can
increase energy levels and reduce
feelings of fatigue. This boost in energy
contributes to an overall sense of wellbeing. Exercise stimulates the release of
neurotransmitters like serotonin and
dopamine, which play crucial roles in
regulating mood and promoting feelings
of happiness and pleasure.
One of the best ways to distract
negative thoughts is to simply walk
and shift the focus of one’s
awareness to the outside. Sports of
all kinds help you be in the present
and connected with your body and
the world around you, whether it’s a
brisk walk or a calming meditation
session, find what works best for you.
Confidence and
Regular exercise contributes to positive
changes in body image and selfperception. Achieving fitness goals can
boost self-esteem and foster a more
positive mindset.
athletes was asked what ‘s the most enjoyable
aspect of engaging in physical activity?
Note on establishing and maintaining a
consistent exercise routine:
It’s important to note that the type and intensity of exercise can vary based on
individual preferences and physical abilities. Whether it’s cardiovascular
exercise, strength training, yoga, or a combination. While some people feel
relaxed after yoga others may be relaxed after boxing, IT IS YOUR CHOICE!
Finding accessible activities you genuinely enjoy is key to maintaining a
consistent exercise routine for optimal mental health benefits. Always consult
with a healthcare professional if you have pre-existing health conditions.
Key Takeaways for Well-Being
though the many benefits of exercise, overtraining can be
1 Even
very harmful to your body so make sure you emphasize the
importance of rest, self-compassion, a balanced diet, and
staying hydrated during the day.
In your fitness journey, you will learn not
to compare yourself to anyone. In the
world of fitness, there will always be
people behind you and ahead of you.
Everyone begins their fitness journey
from different places and with different
goals, and this applies to all other
aspects of life. It is okay to change our
goals and destination, there are no
restrictions on this journey.
Remind yourself that progress takes
time. Be patient and compassionate
with yourself as you embark on this
transformative journey, where a
sound body becomes the canvas for a
vibrant mind.
Remember, the journey to well-being
is unique for each person, so take the
first step today and let the
transformation begin!

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