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WRITING ASSIGNMENT GUIDE (WAG) MENTOR TEXT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this series of assignments, you will independently focus on one Writing Assignment Guide in four separate assignments.


OVERVIEWFor this series of assignments, you will independently focus on one Writing Assignment Guidein four separate assignments. Each Writing Assignment Guide (WAG) is completed separately.For each assignment, you will create a unit for the identified writing instruction strategy. Chapter10 is the chapter that covers WAG assignments, but the content you will need for each separateWAG is within the appropriate module. Use the resource page 189 as a reference to understandand follow the specific steps for each WAG assignment. The grade level must be K-8. YOU MUST USE THE ATTACHED TEMPLATE.

INSTRUCTIONSTo complete each WAG assignment, use the template provided to show what is included in eachstep of the Writing Assignment Guide (WAG). Each WAG activity has different componentsthat you will include in the assignment. Review the specific steps in the textbook and modules(labeled with each activity). Clearly describe all steps presented in each assignment template. Atleast 2 samples from each unit must be included and labeled in the notes section of eachassignment template. You must use the template in Word for the assignment. Please do notsave it as any other format than a Word document when submitting.Select and use quality children’s literature for your activities. Additionally, include the specificstate standard(s) that your activity is based on, including the number, letter, and description.Links to the Virginia Standards of Learning and Common Core Standards have beenprovided with this assignment. Only Virginia Standards of Learning or Common CoreStandards may be used for this assignment.Specific instructions for the WAG assignment are below.Writing Assignment Guide (WAG): Mentor Text AssignmentThis is a writing assignment for students that would likely span across multiple days; therefore, itis referred to as a unit within the directions and template. Using the Writing Assignment Guide(WAG): Mentor Text Template provided with this assignment, create your unit by followingthe steps below:Step 1. Text Selection: Select an appropriate mentor text as the focus. List the book in thecurrent APA format in the designated area in the template as if it were in a referencelist. The mentor text you select should focus on one of the literary devices found inChapter 4 (Figure 4.5). Include a rationale for the text you selected and a literarydevice.Step 2. Grade Level and Learning Standards: Identify one K-8 grade level. Then, identify atleast two applicable Language Arts state learning standards for this grade level andunit. Include the specific state standard(s) on which your activity is based, including thenumber, letter, and description. Links to the Virginia Standards of Learning andEDLC 632Page 2 of 3Common Core Standards have been provided with this assignment. Only VirginiaStandards of Learning or Common Core Standards may be used for this assignment.Step 3. Writing Task: Think about what topic you are teaching and what writing task would bebest to support students’ learning of the content. Make sure it aligns with the standardselected, literary device, and mentor text.Step 4. Audience: Identify the assignment’s audience. Who are the students writing to?Step 5. Purpose (Learning Goal): Why are students writing this task? Connect this to thewriting task, which means the mentor text and literary device must also be mentionedhere.Step 6. Length: Identify a length criterion: number of words, sentences, paragraph, or page).Remember to select a criterion that is appropriate for the grade you have selected. Asentence or paragraph requirement may be more suitable for younger grades, whilepage lengths may be more suitable for older grades.Step 7. Directions and Requirements: Write the directions and requirements as if you aregiving them to students. Be VERY specific. Is there a specific prompt they need torespond to? If so, what is it? Do they have to have sources? If so, how many? Dostudents need to follow a specific format? If so, what? Are there specific requirementsfor the introduction, body of the paper, use of transitions, or conclusion? If so, what?Remember to include the literary device and mentor text.Step 8. Writing Supports (Scaffolding): Detail how you will scaffold during the unit. In whatspecific ways will you scaffold, and how? The list below is from the textbook, but it isnot exhaustive. Please do not feel restricted to it; use what you believe is mostappropriate for your unit. Be specific in how it will be used in your unit.• Use an easy and short text.• Providing step-by-step directions• Scaffold the text.• Use two-column notes.• Teach transitional words and phrases (this would have a graphic organizer and/oranchor chart).• Use a summary writing template.• Use a partially completed summary writing template.• Checklist or rubric• A graphic organizerStep 9. Differentiation: Detail the differentiation that will be provided and why it isappropriate. This is different than scaffolding. What would you do for studentsstruggling to learn the content? What would you do for students who require achallenge? Both types of students must be addressed, so you should have at least 2differentiation strategies here.

Step 10. Collaboration: How will students collaborate during this unit? Make sure it aligns withwhat you put in the requirement section and Sedita’s text.Step 11. Assessment: How will the writing piece be graded? Be specific about the criteria. Itmust include an evaluation of the literary device.Step 12. Samples: Provide at least two samples related to the unit; one sample must be a graphicorganizer you would use for the unit. The other sample can be anything you would usewith students at any point in this unit. A sample is a process that measures students’understanding of the content being taught (e.g., rubrics for grading, anchor charts,graphic organizers, quizzes, presentations to the class, etc.). Do not use text samples, asthat is an expected resource, and they will not count as samples. Do not place links; youshould submit screenshots or insert the actual samples. Remember to cite the samplesin-text within the template. If you create any of the samples, you must cite yourself in-text.Step 13. References: Include a current APA-formatted references page for all resources used forthis assignment. Remember to include the standards, samples, and text selection. If youcreated a sample, you must cite yourself in-text and in the reference list.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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