You will read the attached tutorial article. Please write a 1-2 page paper highlighting the main points of the article, specifically related to IPP. You will tie the article’s content to your own experiences. This is not a research paper, so please highlight the main points that are important to you and that stand out based on what we have covered in the course to date. Please try and stay away from AI
here is what I have so far please strengthen this slightly. Also, I have a nephew with autism who had ABA services with both Behavior Analyst and Speech therapist unfortunately he is still nonverbal however understand a lot of social cues. you can also make stuff up.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects a person’s brain development. Having ASD may appear or even affect a person’s social interactions and how they communicate. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ASD affects 1 in 68 children, which is why people with autism are eligible for ABA services with behavior analysis and receive Speech therapy through speech language pathology (SLP) . The article, “ The Use of Behavior Principles for Serving Students With ASD” by Amy L. Donaldsona and Aubyn C. Stahmer explains the importance of SLPs and Behavior analyst. This paper will be addressing the main points of Amy L. Donaldsona and Aubyn C article. I will also address my experiences with having a family member with autism who has had both of theses services.
The article, “ The Use of Behavior Principles for Serving Students With ASD” highlighted the importance of Speech Therapy and Behavior therapy using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The article highlights specific methods like Discrete Trial Training (DTT) methods and Piviotal Response Training (PRT), showing the importance of interventions so that people with autism can improve on communication and social interactions. According to the authors (Amy L. Donaldsona and Aubyn C. Stahmer), DTT “Involves multiple or massed trials of the small skill at one time”. While PRT is more of a “Naturalistic approach