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NSTRUCTIONS 1). Self- Reflection. Practice involves self-reflection and checking for bias to ensure your design and topic will withstand robust scrutiny from peers and academics. A st

NSTRUCTIONS                 1). Self- Reflection. Practice involves self-reflection and checking for bias to ensure yourdesign and topic will withstand robust scrutiny from peers and academics. A strong researcheffort minimizes bias and presents alternative and opposing perspectives, including issuesconcerning methodology. Bias creates errors in research and can take the form of systematic orpersonal bias that can influence the research design, sampling fame, and even the interpretationof findings.For this Discussion, you will take the fun Tendencies Quiz located in the Discussion:Tendencies & Biblical Integration Resources area of the Discussion Thread prompt. There isno right or wrong answer, and you are encouraged to reply to each prompt based on your initialreaction, i.e., refrain from dwelling upon or trying to analyze each question. The important thingis to be honest with yourself. Consider the statements in the left and right columns, and thenmark which side of the row (from 1-5) best matches how you feel. This is intended to provokeself-reflection on how you process information, especially information that may differ from yourviews. Check the score that most reflects your tendency for each statement – the further to theleft relates to stronger identification with the statement on the left, the further to the rightindicates stronger identification with the right-hand statement. (1-strongly to the left, 2 –moderately to the left, 3 is neutral, 4 – moderately to the right, 5 – strongly to the right). Yourtotal score should fall within the range of 9-45.Once completed, you will include this as part one of your discussion thread for this week. Youshould discuss your personal results (including the score) and identify areas of strength forpersonal development. 

Tendencies Quiz 

Left Side                                           1 2 3 4 5                    Right SideI often doubt my view of things                           My view of things is always correctI do not mind being wrong                                     I hate to be wrongI look for valid criticisms, so I canimprove                                                                                 Criticisms of me are not trueI know I can usually correct mymistakes                                                                                   It is very important to never make a mistakeIf you contradict me, I look to see if youare correct                                                                                        If you contradict me, you are obviously wrongf you make a good argument, I caneasily change my view                                                                                          I automatically defend my viewpoint, no matterwhat the other person saysIt does not bother me to lose anargument                                                                                          If I lose an argument, I feel bad insideI look for the value in other people’sarguments                                                                                           Other people’s arguments are worthlessThe real truth is more important thanmy view                                                                                                  My view is the real truth 

Adapted from Egocentricity Quiz. Russ’s Web Thinking.Key:9 = no egocentric tendencies27 = a mixture. Room for growth45 = very egocentric. Please work hard on practicing fair-minded thinking

             2). Research Paradigm. We have unique experiences and perceptions that shape ourbeliefs about the world. These beliefs and underlying assumptions affect our natural approach toresearch. Take a moment to review the four philosophical worldviews (i.e., positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, pragmatism) and identify what fits best with your philosophy.Remember that a research paradigm is essentially a worldview that a researcher brings to theirstudy. It represents the researcher’s view of reality or truth. While there is ongoing discussionregarding which paradigms exist in the modern research community, it helps to focus onPositivism, Post-Positivism, Constructivism, and Pragmatism for applied business research.Research this topic to understand your research paradigm, as it will shape how you approachyour problem. It is also important to note that while some paradigms lend themselves better tospecific methodologies, the choice of methodology does not change the paradigm. This is part ofwho you are and how you view the world. It is instrumental in thinking about how your researchparadigm aligns with your Christian Worldview. To better understand your view of reality, anexcellent question is, “How many versions of The Truth exist?”Review the four philosophical worldviews (i.e., positivism, post-positivism, constructivism,pragmatism) and identify what fits best with your philosophy and why.• Positivism – Single objective reality that we seek to discover.• Post-Positivism – Single objective reality that we seek to discover with the understandingthat we never will fully understand it.• Constructivism – Reality is determined by the individual, and the researcher seeks tounderstand that view of reality.• Pragmatism – Focus on the ‘problem’ rather than the view of reality, using any toolsavailable to understand the problem.After reviewing the Reading for this module and considering the four philosophical worldviews(i.e., positivism, post-positivism, constructionism, and pragmatic) discussed in the text, addressthe following questions:1. Which philosophical worldview most closely aligns with your perspective and how youview problems in the world? How so?2. How does understanding the connection between philosophical worldview and researchmethodology assist your research approach?

3). Biblical Worldview. Philosophical worldviews reflect our desire for knowledge. ABiblical worldview is based on the infallible Word of God. It provides an understanding ofexistence, morals, and knowledge. How does your Biblical Worldview relate to your researchphilosophy?1. How can scripture be used as a lens through which you view research?2. Compare/contrast research philosophical worldviews with that of a Christian worldview.Are there any problem areas, or do most philosophical worldviews appear congruent witha Christian worldview?3. How does your knowledge of the Bible keep pace with the growing sophistication of theknowledge required by your studies?

4. What scripture verses do you use as a foundation for your Biblical Worldview?Incorporate a minimum of three specific scripture verses into the discussion. Explain howthey set the foundation or speak to the standards for your research viewpoint.

You must post your thread of at least 500 words by 11:59 pm (ET) on Thursday of the assignedModule: Week. You must then post replies of at least 250 words by 11:59 pm (ET) on Sunday ofthe assigned Module: Week.For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least 4 scholarly citations publishedwithin the last 5 years or 3 scholarly citations published within the last 5 years plus aseminal/research design and methodology source. All sources must be cited and listed in thereferences in the current APA formatting. Do not include block or direct quotes.Each reply must incorporate at least two scholarly citation(s) from at least 2 peer-reviewedjournal articles in the current APA format. Each source can only be cited once and must be fromdifferent sources to the main thread and the other reply. Any sources cited in the replies mustalso have been published within the last five years.Please only cite primary research scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles, i.e., no textbooks,blogs, professional/trade magazines, or non-peer-reviewed articles such as SSRN and HarvardBusiness Review. The main title and references list do not contribute to the word count. 

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