The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone P

The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone Project Proposal completed in Unit 1. Instructions: Please follow the following outline. Your Topic Statement should have the following sections, […]

The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone P

The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone Project Proposal completed in Unit 1. Instructions: Please follow the following outline. Your Topic Statement should have the following sections, […]

The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone P

The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone Project Proposal completed in Unit 1. Instructions: Please follow the following outline. Your Topic Statement should have the following sections […]

Module 3 – CaseCorrelation Regression AnalysisAssignment Overview Regression Analysis **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** This is your final data analysis project in class. You have become

Module 3 – CaseCorrelation Regression AnalysisAssignment Overview Regression Analysis **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** This is your final data analysis project in class. You have become very familiar with the data and have a number of findings that may assist in managerial decision-making. The goal is to find what type of relationship […]

Module 3 – SLPCorrelation Regression AnalysisAssignment Overview Correlation and Scatterplots **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** Let us delve into Organizational Commitment. In your earlie

Module 3 – SLPCorrelation Regression AnalysisAssignment Overview Correlation and Scatterplots **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** Let us delve into Organizational Commitment. In your earlier research, you discovered how important this is to a company. Now, we will investigate what types of correlations exist between Organizational Commitment and the three measures of job […]

Case Study 2: Identifying Behavioral Biases in Investment Decisions Objective: The goal of this activity is to help you identify different behavioral biases that influence decision-making in financial

Case Study 2: Identifying Behavioral Biases in Investment Decisions Objective: The goal of this activity is to help you identify different behavioral biases that influence decision-making in financial markets. Work in a group to analyze the case assigned and identify the bias involved. Assignment Instructions: Read the PowerPoints: Read Page 17 to 23 and understand […]

Locate any report or periodical article that contains at least two different graphical representations of data or use one of the supplied articles. Interpret the graphs and present your findings in a

Locate any report or periodical article that contains at least two different graphical representations of data or use one of the supplied articles. Interpret the graphs and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint presentation (6-10 slides). Expand AllIntroduction Business administrators and managers are often called upon to interpret data that analysts have provided to […]




VAL- UP TO 3/6/2025- ***** PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ALL WORK IS AUTHENTIC- DO NOT USE AI IT WILL BE SCANNED***** ****** THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS 3PARTS / PLEASE LABEL EACH PART SEPARATELY WITH REFERENCES WHEN COMPLETED****** PART 1- Module 4- DISCUSSION- (VAL)- Bankruptcy Why do businesses file for bankruptcy and who stands to benefit? Submission […]

You will create two concept maps housed in one PowerPoint presentation. Your two-page concept map PowerPoint presentation will consist of the two infographics you create and slide notes. There is no s

You will create two concept maps housed in one PowerPoint presentation. Your two-page concept map PowerPoint presentation will consist of the two infographics you create and slide notes. There is no standard format for a concept map, so you may create yours however you choose. The goal is simply to create a visualization of your […]

This is the first step in creating your Capstone Project. You will select and describe your topic and address all guidelines listed below as it pertains to your topic. In order to gain approval from t

This is the first step in creating your Capstone Project. You will select and describe your topic and address all guidelines listed below as it pertains to your topic. In order to gain approval from t This is the first step in creating your Capstone Project. You will select and describe your topic and address […]

Scenario You are an HR consultant, contracted by the VP of an LLC in Wilmington, Delaware, to solve their internal challenges. This U.S. office is a branch of a larger Singaporean software solutions o

Scenario You are an HR consultant, contracted by the VP of an LLC in Wilmington, Delaware, to solve their internal challenges. This U.S. office is a branch of a larger Singaporean software solutions organization that has a total of 140 employees and generates $20M in revenue per year. The CEO of this organization, headquartered in […]

Length: Your submission should be at least two (2) pages in length, not including the title page and references (if used). References: APA Style will not be required for this assignment, and no outsid

Length: Your submission should be at least two (2) pages in length, not including the title page and references (if used). References: APA Style will not be required for this assignment, and no outside resources are required. Details: Using the Unit III Assignment Template, write a dialogue (short conversation) between two people. Keys to address: Make sure that each […]

Length: Your submission should be at least two (2) pages in length, not including the title page and references (if used). References: APA Style will not be required for this assignment, and no outsid

Length: Your submission should be at least two (2) pages in length, not including the title page and references (if used). References: APA Style will not be required for this assignment, and no outside resources are required. Details: Using the Unit III Assignment Template, write a dialogue (short conversation) between two people. Keys to address: Make sure that each […]

Details: This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be completed in the same attached Unit VII Homework Template. Part 1: Choose one of the three topics from the table below. Write an argument

Details: This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be completed in the same attached Unit VII Homework Template. Part 1: Choose one of the three topics from the table below. Write an argument with a clear conclusion (thesis) that you have created about this topic. Your conclusion must be a straightforward one-sentence assertion. Note that your thesis […]

This is the first step in creating your Capstone Project. You will select and describe your topic and address all guidelines listed below as it pertains to your topic. In order to gain approval from t

This is the first step in creating your Capstone Project. You will select and describe your topic and address all guidelines listed below as it pertains to your topic. In order to gain approval from the instructor, you will need to choose one of the topic focuses below, address the guidelines discussed below and submit […]

For this essay assignment, you are tasked with locating a company or business that has experienced an ethical issue within the last 5 years. In your essay, you will include the following information:

For this essay assignment, you are tasked with locating a company or business that has experienced an ethical issue within the last 5 years. In your essay, you will include the following information: the name of the company or business and a description of the ethical issue that took place, a description of how the […]

You will create two concept maps housed in one PowerPoint presentation. Your two-page concept map PowerPoint presentation will consist of the two infographics you create and slide notes. There is no s

You will create two concept maps housed in one PowerPoint presentation. Your two-page concept map PowerPoint presentation will consist of the two infographics you create and slide notes. There is no standard format for a concept map, so you may create yours however you choose. The goal is simply to create a visualization of your […]

Develop an 8–10-page digital marketing strategy for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer.) Collapse AllIntroduction Digital marketing and socia

Develop an 8–10-page digital marketing strategy for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer.)  Collapse AllIntroduction Digital marketing and social media have completely changed the face of marketing. It is not that the older tools and models no longer work (they do!) but, rather, that […]

To be an effective leader, you must be able to lead change efforts in a collaborative way that demonstrates the culture of the organization. At some point, all leaders will need to lead an organizatio

To be an effective leader, you must be able to lead change efforts in a collaborative way that demonstrates the culture of the organization. At some point, all leaders will need to lead an organizational change effort or be part of an upper-level team that plans and implements it. Your final project in this course […]

Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate mastery of the following competencies: Develop a workforcePropose an operating planJustify organizational changeScenario You are an HR consultant, co

Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate mastery of the following competencies: Develop a workforce Propose an operating plan Justify organizational change Scenario You are an HR consultant, contracted by the VP of an LLC in Wilmington, Delaware, to solve their internal challenges. This U.S. office is a branch of a larger Singaporean software solutions […]

Develop a 7-page marketing plan based on research promotion, pricing, distribution, advertising, and product mix. Collapse AllIntroduction Completion of this portfolio work project will help you under

Develop a 7-page marketing plan based on research promotion, pricing, distribution, advertising, and product mix. Collapse AllIntroduction Completion of this portfolio work project will help you understand the key components of a marketing plan. Scenario The Vice President of Marketing at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company) has asked you to participate as […]

Develop a 7-page marketing plan based on research promotion, pricing, distribution, advertising, and product mix. Collapse AllIntroduction Completion of this portfolio work project will help you under

Develop a 7-page marketing plan based on research promotion, pricing, distribution, advertising, and product mix. Collapse AllIntroduction Completion of this portfolio work project will help you understand the key components of a marketing plan. Scenario The Vice President of Marketing at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company) has asked you to participate as […]

Develop a brand presentation of 8–12 slides for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer), using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expan

Develop a brand presentation of 8–12 slides for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer), using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Collapse AllIntroduction Branding is a means of differentiating a product from its competitors. Branding is an important aspect […]

QSO-321-17172-M01 People, Planet, and Profit 2025 What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Submit your project using one of the two formats listed below. Please note

QSO-321-17172-M01 People, Planet, and Profit 2025  What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Submit your project using one of the two formats listed below. Please note that your submission should include both Part One and Part Two of your project. For either format, sources should be cited according to APA style. Written […]

Reply You will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete the following for your reply: Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a

Reply  You will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete thefollowing for your reply:Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a recommendationto your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on theirtopic. In your response, you should give a summary of […]

Hello, I am in need of assistance with the attached assignment. I need the assignment to be checked for plagiarism prior to sharing it back with me. Also, I will be submitting 2 other assignments tha

Hello,  I am in need of assistance with the attached assignment. I need the assignment to be checked for plagiarism prior to sharing it back with me. Also, I will be submitting 2 other assignments that compliment this one. I would love for the same person to get all three done. Thanks in advance. 

Hello, I am in need of assistance with the attached assignment. I need the assignment to be checked for plagiarism prior to sharing it back with me. Also, I will be submitting 2 other assignments tha

Hello,  I am in need of assistance with the attached assignment. I need the assignment to be checked for plagiarism prior to sharing it back with me. Also, I will be submitting 2 other assignments that compliment this one. I would love for the same person to get all three done. Thanks in advance. 

Hello, I am in need of assistance with the attached assignment. I need the assignment to be checked for plagiarism prior to sharing it back with me. Also, I will be submitting 2 other assignments tha

Hello,  I am in need of assistance with the attached assignment. I need the assignment to be checked for plagiarism prior to sharing it back with me. Also, I will be submitting 2 other assignments that compliment this one. I would love for the same person to get all three done. Thanks in advance. 


VAL- UP TO 3/2/2025- ***** PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ALL WORK IS AUTHENTIC- DO NOT USE AI IT WILL BE SCANNED***** ****** THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS 2 PARTS / PLEASE LABEL EACH PART SEPARATELY WITH REFERENCES WHEN COMPLETED****** PART 1- Module 3- DISCUSSION- (VAL)- Investment Portfolios ·       Discuss why it is important to diversify an investment […]

DEVELOPING A RESEARCH FRAMEWORK ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The problem frame is the cornerstone or foundation upon which credible and robust research is built. It provides the significance and j

DEVELOPING A RESEARCH FRAMEWORK ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWThe problem frame is the cornerstone or foundation upon which credible and robustresearch is built. It provides the significance and justification for designing andconducting a research effort to expand knowledge or even replicate or challenge findingsin the existing body of scholarly peer reviewed research.Unless a research problem is clearly defined […]

Create an 8–12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses. Your presentation must also include a SWOT matrix for the company

Create an 8–12-slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the AFI Framework and the results of the internal and external analyses. Your presentation must also include a SWOT matrix for the company and your recommendations for strategies to move the company forward that align with organizational structure and governance, and reflect ethical responsibility. Collapse AllIntroduction This portfolio […]

Prepare a 7–10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate st

Prepare a 7–10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies. Expand AllIntroduction This portfolio work […]

Discussion Thread: International Business In this discussion forum, you are going to research current topics related to international business and one of the following disciplines: marketing, finance,

Discussion Thread: International Business In this discussion forum, you are going to research current topics related to international business and one of the following disciplines: marketing, finance, accounting, or management. You will utilize one of these journals to conduct your search: Journal of International Marketing Journal of International Management International Finance The International Journal of Accounting […]

Use one of the articles listed below. – Rosile, G. R. (2007). Cheating: Making it a teachable moment. Journal of Management Education, 31(5), 582.

Use one of the articles listed below. – Rosile, G. R. (2007). Cheating: Making it a teachable moment. Journal of Management Education, 31(5), 582. – DeKay, S. H. (2011). Doing what’s right: Communicating business ethics. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(1), 287. – Valente, M. (2012). Business sustainability embeddedness as a strategic imperative: A process […]

The Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper is a significant project for this course. The goal is to create an original code of ethics and evaluation paper for your company or organization. You may also c

The Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper is a significant project for this course. The goal is to create an original code of ethics and evaluation paper for your company or organization. You may also choose to create a code of ethics for a fictitious company or organization if you prefer not to use your […]

Unit III Case Study Read Case 1, “Bernard Madoff: How ‘One Big Lie’ Can Destroy Thousands of Lives,” on pages 278-286 of the textbook. Summarize the overall viewpoint of the author, and discuss the ma

Unit III Case Study Read Case 1, “Bernard Madoff: How ‘One Big Lie’ Can Destroy Thousands of Lives,” on pages 278-286 of the textbook. Summarize the overall viewpoint of the author, and discuss the major issues presented in the case. Review the “Questions for Thought” on page 286 of the textbook and answer the four […]

The final paper will be due this week which includes all prior sections, paper and template requirements, and rubric requirements. The final template headings to be completed are: -Relationship Market

The final paper will be due this week which includes all prior sections, paper and template requirements, and rubric requirements. The final template headings to be completed are: -Relationship Marketing -Socially Responsible Marketing -New Topic if you have one, if not, delete the topic heading and sentences in that section only -Recommendations -Introduction -Conclusion -Title […]

Complete a VRIO or Value Chain analysis, a PESTLE analysis, and a Five Forces model for an organization. Prepare a 3–6-page executive report that analyzes the internal and external environments of the

Complete a VRIO or Value Chain analysis, a PESTLE analysis, and a Five Forces model for an organization. Prepare a 3–6-page executive report that analyzes the internal and external environments of the organization and recommends a course of action based on the analysis. Collapse AllIntroduction AFI, VRIO, and value chain are just three concepts you […]

Reply You will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete the following for your reply: Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a re

ReplyYou will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete thefollowing for your reply:Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a recommendationto your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on theirtopic. In your response, you should give a summary of the […]

NO AI tools…In your own words 1. Chapter 1 of our textbook explains the difference between an argument and an assertion. Give your own example of an assertion. Our textbook author states that asse

NO AI tools…In your own words..Respond in 100 words 1. Chapter 1 of our textbook explains the difference between an argument and an assertion. Give your own example of an assertion. Our textbook author states that assertions do “…little other than impart information.” Why do you think assertions should be true? In other words, why […]

NO AI tools…In your own words..Respond in 100 words 1. Chapter 1 of our textbook explains the difference between an argument and an assertion. Give your own example of an assertion. Our textbook aut

NO AI tools…In your own words..Respond in 100 words 1. Chapter 1 of our textbook explains the difference between an argument and an assertion. Give your own example of an assertion. Our textbook author states that assertions do “…little other than impart information.” Why do you think assertions should be true? In other words, why […]

EVERY GOOD ENDEAVOR REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Keller and Alsdorf (2012) states, “We must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us very specific teachings about human nature and w

EVERY GOOD ENDEAVOR REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWKeller and Alsdorf (2012) states, “We must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us veryspecific teachings about human nature and what makes human beings flourish. We must makesure that our work is done in line with these understandings. Faithful work, then, is to operate outof a Christian Worldview” (p. 21).The […]

Hello. The assignment is discussion’s post that only needs to be 175 words each. Here are the instructions. Leading change! Choose an organization that you are familiar with and respond to the follow

Hello. The assignment is  discussion’s post that only needs to be 175 words each. Here are the instructions. Leading change! Choose an organization that you are familiar with and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 1. What are the requisite skills a person needs to lead change at the organization you […]

Module 2 – CaseHypothesis Testing: t-Tests & ANOVAsAssignment Overview Hypothesis Tests & ANOVA **Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case** One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) tests if the

Module 2 – CaseHypothesis Testing: t-Tests & ANOVAsAssignment Overview Hypothesis Tests & ANOVA **Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case** One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) tests if there are statistical differences between the means of three or more independent groups. Case 2 Resources Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Single factor ANOVA in Excel or one way […]

Module 2 – SLPHypothesis Testing: t-Tests & ANOVAsAssignment Overview Two Sample Hypothesis Tests **Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case** Comparing two samples provides insights. Are emplo

Module 2 – SLPHypothesis Testing: t-Tests & ANOVAsAssignment Overview Two Sample Hypothesis Tests **Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case**Comparing two samples provides insights. Are employees with an MBA more productive than those without? If our results support the contention, then hiring more MBAs would be good for business. Session Long Project 2 ResourcesHypothesis […]