TEAM VIDEO MONTAGE FINAL- A COLLECTION OF WORKS ENGLISH 1301-1302 Based on the concepts we have covered in this class so far, design and create a VIDEO montage of items, issues, artifacts covered in t

TEAM VIDEO MONTAGE FINAL- A COLLECTION OF WORKS ENGLISH 1301-1302 Based on the concepts we have covered in this class so far, design and create a VIDEO montage of items, issues, artifacts covered in this course.  All collective aspects of this team project and must include: • Vignettes/images from ART:21 artists = Artists are – Anish Kapoor, Jeff Koons, Yin Xiuzhen, Kim Sooja • TOPICS FROM YOUR FIRST ARTICLE PROJECT = Our first article topic- […]

TEAM VIDEO MONTAGE FINAL- A COLLECTION OF WORKS ENGLISH 1301-1302 Based on the concepts we have covered in this class so far, design and create a VIDEO montage of items, issues, artifacts covered in t

TEAM VIDEO MONTAGE FINAL- A COLLECTION OF WORKS ENGLISH 1301-1302 Based on the concepts we have covered in this class so far, design and create a VIDEO montage of items, issues, artifacts covered in this course.  All collective aspects of this team project and must include: • Vignettes/images from ART:21 artists = Artists are – Anish Kapoor, Jeff Koons, Yin Xiuzhen, Kim Sooja • TOPICS FROM YOUR FIRST ARTICLE PROJECT = Our first article topic- […]

Write 4 Page -Retelling the Story on Hills Like White Elephants” (Hemingway) you are going to write a short essay about your retelling that compares this new version to the original Tell the reader wh

Write 4 Page -Retelling the Story on Hills Like White Elephants” (Hemingway) you are going to write a short essay about your retelling that compares this new version to the original Tell the reader what you were asked to DO in this Essay Assignment Introduce the original short story you selected (include “title,” author, year of publication, and […]

Question 1: Final Draft of the Annotated Bibliography (6 sources) from paper 3. Question 2: Paper # 3 Outline Handout + Revamped Intro: Outline breakdown: APA: Make sure your paper follows APA gu

Question 1:  Final Draft of the Annotated Bibliography (6 sources)  from paper 3.  Question 2: Paper # 3 Outline Handout + Revamped Intro: Outline breakdown: APA: Make sure your paper follows APA guidelines. (Cover Page/ Abstract/ 5 pages/ References) Introduction: Breakdown of the issue with a strong thesis that clearly states the argument. (Half a page) Arguments […]

Essays must be 8-10 pages (2,000-2,500 words) in length and follow MLA citation and formatting guidelines. Research Essay: For this assignment you are asked to consider a the topic related to gothic

Essays must be 8-10 pages (2,000-2,500 words) in length and follow MLA citation and formatting guidelines. Research Essay: For this  assignment you are asked to consider a the topic related to gothic literature in the nineteenth century, in connection with a particular text chosen from the assigned work.  Though you might comment on other literary […]

Assessment Description Implementing and managing an action plan, collaborating and communicating effectively, collecting and analyzing data efficiently, and effortlessly managing resources are all ess

Assessment Description Implementing and managing an action plan, collaborating and communicating effectively, collecting and analyzing data efficiently, and effortlessly managing resources are all essential to success. Select technologies and applications that can streamline these efforts for education.

RESEARCH PAPER Oedipus the King by Sophocles (pages 716-757) MUST BE AT LEAST 2500 words You must write on ONE of the following topics: Destiny Oedipus the King can be read as a play about destiny. Be

RESEARCH PAPER Oedipus the King by Sophocles (pages 716-757) MUST BE AT LEAST 2500 words You must write on ONE of the following topics: Destiny Oedipus the King can be read as a play about destiny. Before the play begins, the gods have set Oedipus’ destiny as a horrific one – to kill his father and […]

write a 2 page paper about Can Stress Can Trigger Anxiety? In your paper, you can discuss the following: Why did you choose yo

write a 2 page paper about Can Stress Can Trigger Anxiety?  In your paper, you can discuss the following: Why did you choose your specific topic? How did the source get your attention? Who is the target audience? Is the information reliable? Does the article or study have any authors listed? If so, do they […]

my research question is about how Does smoking affect your development at and early age ? What a deep dive isThe steps of a deep diveHow to demonstrate that you completed your deep diveSteps in the d

my research question is about how Does smoking affect your development at and early age ?  What a deep dive is The steps of a deep dive How to demonstrate that you completed your deep dive Steps in the deep dive process: Step 1: Identify the topic or idea Step 2: Gain background knowledge Step […]

CURRICULUM EVALUATION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW You will complete a final paper reflecting on the topics you studied throughout the assigned course reading and study materials. The paper

CURRICULUM EVALUATION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWYou will complete a final paper reflecting on the topics you studied throughout the assignedcourse reading and study materials. The paper should synthesize a thoughtful analysis, insight,understanding, and application of learned topics and be written in current APA format. Noabstract is required. The paper should be written entirely in third person, […]

Submit on Canvas in Word or PDF format. Paper length: 1,500-2000 words. Include a word count at the end of your paper. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation are expected. There are no specific req

Submit on Canvas in Word or PDF format. Paper length: 1,500-2000 words. Include a word count at the end of your paper. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation are expected. There are no specific requirements for font size, spacing or margins. The paper must draw on required course materials and may also use the optional readings in the […]

Directions: After reading and listening to A&P by John Updike, in a one page and a half reflection address the following: How does Updike address the theme of common decency in “A&P?”- Your re

Directions: After reading and listening to A&P by John Updike, in a one page and a half reflection address the following: How does Updike address the theme of common decency in “A&P?”- Your reflection must include 2 direct quotes from the story that support your thoughts. You must provide an intext citation after the quote. […]

Plan and Communicate a Time-Based TaskSCENARIO: On Monday morning, you arrive at work and discover you have an email from your manager, Sara, about a customer service issue. She is worried because one

Plan and Communicate a Time-Based TaskSCENARIO: On Monday morning, you arrive at work and discover you have an email from your manager, Sara, about a customer service issue. She is worried because one of the company’s most important clients did not receive their shipment. While she acknowledges it isn’t your fault, she needs you to work […]

Deliver an Informative Speech SCENARIO: You are a manager at Squidwork, Inc., which is a lucrative online boutique (e-commerce company) that has gone through massive growth in a short amount of time.

Deliver an Informative Speech SCENARIO: You are a manager at Squidwork, Inc., which is a lucrative online boutique (e-commerce company) that has gone through massive growth in a short amount of time. Over the past two years, there has been an increase in revenue, the team has expanded significantly, and additional leadership has been added to […]

This paper is about Acromegaly pertaining to the skeletal system Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings. APA 7th edition Title page: This is a separate page by itsel

This paper is about Acromegaly pertaining to the skeletal system  Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings. APA 7th edition Title page: This is a separate page by itself, with the following information centered in the middle of the page: course title, paper title, student’s name, instructor’s name, and date. Description of Pathology: […]

This assignment is a full draft of an Argument Research Essay. This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques This draft is expected to meet all of the Argument Research Essay require

This assignment is a full draft of an Argument Research Essay. This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques This draft is expected to meet all of the Argument Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.  Topic: Media and Social Movements: From Civil Rights to #MeToo -Explore the role media has played […]



Final Research Paper In the Module 6 Assignment, you chose one of the works you read during this course and a literary topic. Then, you researched the work and the topic and created your preliminary w

Final Research Paper In the Module 6 Assignment, you chose one of the works you read during this course and a literary topic. Then, you researched the work and the topic and created your preliminary works cited list. Now it is time to organize and write your paper. Steps to writing your paper: Write a thesis/take […]

Genres & Literary Time Periods Choose and read one of the literary works from one of the four genres provided in your textbook. If you have read it before, re-read it through the lens of what yo

Genres & Literary Time Periods Choose and read one of the literary works from one of the four genres provided in your textbook. If you have read it before, re-read it through the lens of what you learned in this course. Creative Nonfiction ReadingsLinks to an external site. Fiction ReadingsLinks to an external site. Poetry […]

The final course paper (5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) will require students to select their favorite movie watched from the class. Follow these guidelines. I will NOT grade pa

The final course paper (5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) will require students to select their favorite movie watched from the class. Follow these guidelines. I will NOT grade papers that ignore the guidelines. Plagiarism is NOT allowed. Briefly discuss how the movie made you feel in general. Why is it your favorite movie? What did […]

Please Recommend 2 movies to Professor Burton that were not shown in class (2 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font – Calibri, 1-inch margins). Movies must relate to criminology and criminal justice. Mo

Please Recommend 2 movies to Professor Burton that were not shown in class (2 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font – Calibri, 1-inch margins). Movies must relate to criminology and criminal justice. Movies that focus on social justice and are based on true stories are preferred (but not required). Students must explain how the movies relate to course […]

Discussion Thread: Collaboration for Successful Transition: Describe the factors that should be considered in developing a vision of adult residential options for a student with a disability. You di

Discussion Thread: Collaboration for Successful Transition: Describe the factors that should be considered in developing a vision of adult residential options for a student with a disability. You discussion post must: Be at least 400 words Be written at or above a master’s level Adhere to the current APA guidelines.

ASSESSMENT PROJECT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Teacher candidate will use a provided case study containing results from multiple methods of assessment and data sources in order to determine eligibility an

ASSESSMENT PROJECT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSTeacher candidate will use a provided case study containing results from multiple methods ofassessment and data sources in order to determine eligibility and programmaticrecommendations for the case student. Basic assessment data and historical data will beprovided the candidate.The student will employ knowledge of measurement principles in order to interpret assessmentresults to determine […]

EVALUATION OF VIDEO LESSON ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW To be an effective educator, one must be able to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in observed lessons. Your teacher education program will

EVALUATION OF VIDEO LESSON ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWTo be an effective educator, one must be able to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in observedlessons. Your teacher education program will include practicum experiences in classrooms whereyou will have a chance to observe and interact with students and teachers. While in-personobservations are extremely beneficial, pre-service teachers can also learn a […]

Works Cited Preliminary Page Next week you will be completing a research paper on one of the works you read during this course. To prepare for writing the paper, choose the work you will write about a

Works Cited Preliminary Page Next week you will be completing a research paper on one of the works you read during this course. To prepare for writing the paper, choose the work you will write about and one of the following topics: The consequences of negativity in modern literature. Professional jargon on social media. How […]

Benchmark – Plan Implementation and ManagementSubmit Assignment Writing the key components of your action plan is the first step, but as an educational leader, the majority of resource management task

Benchmark – Plan Implementation and ManagementSubmit Assignment Writing the key components of your action plan is the first step, but as an educational leader, the majority of resource management tasks occur when you implement and manage changes to the plan. In 750-1,000 words, outline your action plan for achieving the strategic goal. The plan should […]

LESSON PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term pl

LESSON PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWLesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-termplanning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term planning (such as weekly or dailyplanning). For this assignment, you will write a daily lesson plan for one grade level/subject.• If you are pursuing the MAT: Elementary Education, you may […]

STUDENT PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW One of the purposes of this assignment is to understand the principles of reviewing case study files on a given focus learner. For this assignment, y

STUDENT PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWOne of the purposes of this assignment is to understand the principles of reviewing case studyfiles on a given focus learner. For this assignment, you will choose the most appropriate goalsbased on the learner’s PLOP and needs/supports and determine standards that correlate withthose goals, providing evidence of how you would teach and […]

Describe potential conflicts in developing participatory decision making with family members and a student with a disability and how other resources can assist in these endeavors. From a Christian per

Describe potential conflicts in developing participatory decision making with family members and a student with a disability and how other resources can assist in these endeavors. From a Christian perspective, how should conflicts be addressed? Your post must be 400 words and be written at or above a masters level. It must also adhere to […]



EDTPA TASK 1 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW “edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasi

EDTPA TASK 1 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEW“edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacherpreparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure, and support the skillsand knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom.” (edTPA, n.d.).As part of the teacher preparation program at Liberty University, the School of Education desiresfor […]

TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS ESSAY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Classrooms are filled with students from diverse backgrounds with various ability levels. Educators need to embrace the

TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS ESSAY ASSIGNMENTINSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEW Classrooms are filled with students from diverse backgrounds with various ability levels.Educators need to embrace the diversity among their students through the examination ofinstructional strategies. This assignment will allow you to investigate strategies for teachingstudents with specific academic and emotional needs. You will have an opportunity to considerhow […]

Discuss the age requirement for beginning to discuss transition and the age for having a transition plan. Why is it so critical to begin assessment and curriculum planning at age 14 and 16? Your respo

Discuss the age requirement for beginning to discuss transition and the age for having a transition plan. Why is it so critical to begin assessment and curriculum planning at age 14 and 16? Your response must be 400 words. Your answer must pertain to education and be completed at a master level degree. 

Stylistic Expressions & Formal Language After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Examine stylistic expressions, conflicts, and shifts, in form and languag

 Stylistic Expressions & Formal Language After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Examine stylistic expressions, conflicts, and shifts, in form and language in Gabriela Mistral’s “My Mountains”. Interpret the use of formal language, dialect, and its purpose as it pertains to cultural identities. Submission Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least […]

Most improvement initiatives require investment in several different types of resources to be successful. People, physical resources, technology, facilities, and training all have costs attached to th

Most improvement initiatives require investment in several different types of resources to be successful. People, physical resources, technology, facilities, and training all have costs attached to them. The ability to identify sources of funding that can be used to offset these expenses in a manner that prevents other facets of the district from suffering or […]

In a typed, double spaced, MLA structured 5 paragraph arguement /pervasive essay, present your viewpoint on the one most essential skill required to be successful in 3 totally different unrelated prof

In a typed, double spaced, MLA structured 5 paragraph arguement /pervasive essay, present your viewpoint on the one most essential skill required to be successful in 3 totally different unrelated professional careers/ occupations. The careers must not overlap. The chosen skill is “communication” for the careers: teachers, law enforcement officers, and nurses. View rubric attached.

DIRECTIONS: This essay must adhere to the following guidelines: • *Seven-paragraphs ONLY + a separate Works Cited page o 2 – introduction paragraphs o 1 – summary paragraph o 3 – body paragraphs o 1 –

DIRECTIONS:This essay must adhere to the following guidelines:• *Seven-paragraphs ONLY + a separate Works Cited pageo 2 – introduction paragraphso 1 – summary paragrapho 3 – body paragraphso 1 – conclusion paragraph• Use MLA formatting and rules of citation (Arial 12-point font, ONLY; review other rules via The2021 Bedford St. Martin MLA Handbook or Chapter […]

In a minimum of 1500 words (4-5 pages) (You have a choice of two topics) Choose only one of the topics below for your essay. Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” (pg. 117) and discuss the changes that the narr

In a minimum of 1500 words (4-5 pages) (You have a choice of two topics) Choose only one of the topics below for your essay. Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” (pg. 117) and discuss the changes that the narrator undergoes in the course of the story. Explain why she undergoes these changes and what it means […]

TPCASTT – Analyzing Poetry Complete the following TPCASTT on one of the poems on this page (links below). The entire document must be completed correctly to receive credit. https://human.libretexts.

TPCASTT – Analyzing Poetry Complete the following TPCASTT on one of the poems on this page (links below). The entire document must be completed correctly to receive credit. Submission Instructions: Download the TPCASTT Blank Template Download TPCASTT Blank Templateand complete it. Be sure to rename the file with your name before you submit it […]

Hello i Need someone to write an essay for me. It is for my religions class. You will need to reference and cite the attached file in the essay. The file is a religious text, the mahabahrata. THe guid

Hello i Need someone to write an essay for me. It is for my religions class. You will need to reference and cite the attached file in the essay. The file is a religious text, the mahabahrata. THe guidlines are as follows:  I use three criteria to grade essays:1. Structure2. Thesis statement3. ExecutionSTRUCTURE: The essay […]

Revise this paragraph from the essay on vegetarianism, which focuses on one of the claim’s supporting reasons. As you revise the paragraph, focus on: making sure the point of the paragraph is precise

Revise this paragraph from the essay on vegetarianism, which focuses on one of the claim’s supporting reasons. As you revise the paragraph, focus on: making sure the point of the paragraph is precise and related to the overall claim in the essay, using words, phrases, and clauses to link major ideas in the paragraph, organizing […]