Community Ecology & Virtual Visit to Everglades National Park Observe the turtle above and identify the type of “coloration” it exhibits as a way to protect itself (based on Chapter section 45.6:

Community Ecology & Virtual Visit to Everglades National Park Observe the turtle above and identify the type of “coloration” it exhibits as a way to protect itself (based on Chapter section 45.6: defense mechanisms) The coloration is due to a plant growth on top of the turtle. What type of relationship (symbiotic, mutualistic, parasitic or commensalistic) does […]

I need a personal narrative . please follow the instructions below . make sure to add my name Vanessa Vera and my student ID # M2208014CU Writing Assignment Now that you’ve learned about the requir

I need a personal narrative . please follow the instructions below .  make sure to add my name Vanessa Vera and my student ID # M2208014CU Writing Assignment Now that you’ve learned about the requirements of a personal narrative essay, it’s time for you to write your own. Remember that a personal narrative should focus […]

Find an article in an EDUCATIONAL or MEDICAL JOURNAL that details the benefits of physical activity/physical education for elementary or middle school students. (Do not just use information located o

Find an article in an EDUCATIONAL or MEDICAL JOURNAL that details the benefits of physical activity/physical education for elementary or middle school students.  (Do not just use information located on an internet website…use your library search engines to locate a medical or educational journal article). Write a one page summary in APA format that includes the article bibliography […]

We have discussed the Judeo-Christian understanding of creation as described in Genesis 1–2. For this discussion post, we will bring the reflection closer to home and get philosophical about our own e

We have discussed the Judeo-Christian understanding of creation as described in Genesis 1–2. For this discussion post, we will bring the reflection closer to home and get philosophical about our own existence. Please try to answer this question: What is the meaning of birth? What does it mean that you were born? Submission Instructions:  Please answer the […]

Assignment Consider the Grammar Lab content in the attached document about using pronouns in academic writing, and write 2 – 3 paragraphs in which you discuss your experience. Consider the questions b

Assignment Consider the Grammar Lab content in the attached document about using pronouns in academic writing, and write 2 – 3 paragraphs in which you discuss your experience. Consider the questions below as a starting point to formulate a response. What has your experience writing in school or at work been like? What kind of […]

Assignment Below is a list of the titles of all our assignments through the end of Unit 3 for a quick refresher: Unit 1: Goals & Motivations AssignmentUnit 2: DAACS AssignmentUnit 3: Planning for

Assignment Below is a list of the titles of all our assignments through the end of Unit 3 for a quick refresher: Unit 1: Goals & Motivations Assignment Unit 2: DAACS Assignment Unit 3: Planning for Academic Success Your submission could be a PowerPoint, a “documentary” style film, a written paper, a series of journal entries, […]

JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will select one journal article that focuses on one of the following topics: the importance of reading, reading com

JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS  OVERVIEWFor this assignment, you will select one journal article that focuses on one of the following topics:the importance of reading, reading comprehension strategies for fiction or nonfiction text, theimportance of teaching writing, or literacy issues in elementary or middle school grades.INSTRUCTIONS1. Choose one journal articles from professional journals of education […]

Discussion Thread: What Teachers Should Know About Reading Instruction After reading the Explore: What Every Educator and Parent Should Know About Reading Instruction item located in the Learn section

Discussion Thread: What Teachers Should Know About Reading Instruction After reading the Explore: What Every Educator and Parent Should Know About Reading Instruction item located in the Learn section of this module, locate another article about curriculum decisions for language arts. Then, submit a thread with the following: A brief summary of the article you selected Comparison/contrast […]

We recommend writing your essay in another application (e.g. MS Word, Google Doc, etc.) You received information about your learning skills after you took the self-regulated learning (SRL) survey, as

We recommend writing your essay in another application (e.g. MS Word, Google Doc, etc.) You received information about your learning skills after you took the self-regulated learning (SRL) survey, as well as suggestions for becoming a more effective and efficient learner. Now, to reflect on your learning skills and receive feedback on your writing, please […]

Write 3 paragraph Look at Implicit Bias and Cultural Humility. As you start to get into your book (my grandmother’s hands by resmaa menakem),(chapter 1-4 only) I want you to consider what your own b

Write 3 paragraph Look at Implicit Bias and Cultural Humility. As you start to get into your book (my grandmother’s hands by resmaa menakem),(chapter 1-4 only)  I want you to consider what your own biases are and your own cultural beliefs (including medical/healthcare culture) are about “good” care, health, etc. For your reflection, I want you […]

The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 1. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysi

The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 1. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysis. Questions should be answered using case study format. Ensure that you adequately explain the problem, describe […]

Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model provides a frame of reference for the role of the community in the success of students in schools. Part of creating a shared vision and positive culture for the sc

Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model provides a frame of reference for the role of the community in the success of students in schools. Part of creating a shared vision and positive culture for the school is having a strong understanding of the community stakeholders. By researching basic information about community stakeholders, school leaders can learn about the […]

For this assignment, view Jamila Lyiscott’s TedTalk “3 ways to speak English” and in two to three paragraphs share your thoughts on the following: What do you think it means to be articulate? Is Sta

For this assignment, view Jamila Lyiscott’s TedTalk “3 ways to speak English” and in two to three paragraphs share your thoughts on the following:   What do you think it means to be articulate? Is Standard American English necessary? Where do you agree or disagree with Lyiscott’s ideas?

Draw on the information from your reading located in Lesson 1A and take the Comprehension Check Quiz on Religious Sense before you answer the following questions: Describe examples of the religious na

Draw on the information from your reading located in Lesson 1A and take the Comprehension Check Quiz on Religious Sense before you answer the following questions: Describe examples of the religious nature of human beings (also known as the “religious sense”) as it appears in contemporary culture. Be sure to explain your reasons for understanding your examples according to […]

Assessment Description School leaders must be skilled in the arts of relationship building, group facilitation, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Principals are frequently called upon to activ

Assessment Description School leaders must be skilled in the arts of relationship building, group facilitation, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Principals are frequently called upon to activate these skills in many situations they are involved in each day. Whether meeting with a disgruntled student or parent, providing directives to groups of staff members, working on school […]

Essay 3: Summary and Analysis Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Feyten, “The Boys are Doing Just Fine” and Reeves, “No, the Boys Are No

Essay 3: Summary and AnalysisPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Feyten,“The Boys are Doing Just Fine” and Reeves, “No, the Boys Are Not Doing Just Fine.” You can findthese articles in the Essay 3 folder in Brightspace. Your job is to, first, compose twocomprehensive, accurate, brief, […]

Unit 1 – Assignment With this assignment, documents are to be presented with MS PowerPoint (no more than 14 slides). Throughout the slide deck, add images and/or a background. My Values Identify your

Unit 1 – Assignment With this assignment, documents are to be presented with MS PowerPoint (no more than 14 slides). Throughout the slide deck, add images and/or a background. My Values Identify your top five values on the slide. Add one image that relates to at least one of your identified values. (Achievement, Health, Compassion, Compassion, […]

WRTG 112 is a required course for all students, so that is probably one reason you are taking it. However, we all have individual backgrounds and goals that affect how we approach a learning experienc

WRTG 112 is a required course for all students, so that is probably one reason you are taking it. However, we all have individual backgrounds and goals that affect how we approach a learning experience. Read over the course syllabus, and then post your responses to the following questions in two paragraphs: What prior experiences do you […]

Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write a paper that compares the similarities and differences of two items or processes related to your major or career in the style described w

Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write a paper that compares the similarities and differences of two items or processes related to your major or career in the style described within Unit III. In a larger context, the purpose of writing a comparative essay is to gain the skills of detecting similarities […]

Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write an expository essay in the style described in Units VI and VII. As discussed in Unit VI, Lesson 1, the expository essay is a general term

Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write an expository essay in the style described in Units VI and VII. As discussed in Unit VI, Lesson 1, the expository essay is a general term for an essay that conveys information to the reader by explaining a topic, process, or issue. Your topic should […]

Essay 2: Summary and Analysis Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman, “The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student

Essay 2: Summary and AnalysisPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman,“The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student Loan Forgiveness CriticsAre Wrong…” You can find these articles in the Essay 2 folder in Brightspace. Your job is to, first,compose two comprehensive, accurate, brief, independent, and […]

Essay 2: Summary and Analysis Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman, “The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student

Essay 2: Summary and AnalysisPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman,“The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student Loan Forgiveness CriticsAre Wrong…” You can find these articles in the Essay 2 folder in Brightspace. Your job is to, first,compose two comprehensive, accurate, brief, independent, and […]

Essay 2: Summary and Analysis Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman, “The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student

Essay 2: Summary and AnalysisPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman,“The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student Loan Forgiveness CriticsAre Wrong…” You can find these articles in the Essay 2 folder in Brightspace. Your job is to, first,compose two comprehensive, accurate, brief, independent, and […]

Essay 2: Summary and Analysis Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman, “The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student

Essay 2: Summary and AnalysisPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman,“The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student Loan Forgiveness CriticsAre Wrong…” You can find these articles in the Essay 2 folder in Brightspace. Your job is to, first,compose two comprehensive, accurate, brief, independent, and […]

Essay 2: Summary and Analysis Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman, “The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student

Essay 2: Summary and AnalysisPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman,“The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student Loan Forgiveness CriticsAre Wrong…” You can find these articles in the Essay 2 folder in Brightspace. Your job is to, first,compose two comprehensive, accurate, brief, independent, and […]

Essay 2: Summary and Analysis Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman, “The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student

Essay 2: Summary and AnalysisPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize two voices in a conversation, specifically, Lehman,“The Student Loan Trap…” and Opoku-Agyeman and Addo, “Student Loan Forgiveness CriticsAre Wrong…” You can find these articles in the Essay 2 folder in Brightspace. Your job is to, first,compose two comprehensive, accurate, brief, independent, and […]

ABIN Summaries for “The Left Needs Free Speech” and “The First Amendment Is Out of Control” Student Name Institution Course: December 19, 2024 Summary #3: “The Left Needs Free Speech” In “The Left Nee

ABIN Summaries for “The Left Needs Free Speech” and “The First Amendment Is Out of Control” Student Name Institution Course: December 19, 2024 Summary #3: “The Left Needs Free Speech” In “The Left Needs Free Speech”, Pollitt argues that free speech is important to progressive causes as it helps them push for change against the […]

YOUR ESSAY SHOULD CONTAIN 3 PARAGRAPHS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING The INFORMATION. Malcolm X – The Ballot or the Bullet Speech the speech is on YouTube. Paragraph 1: Content Sentence 1 – Who was the sp

YOUR ESSAY SHOULD CONTAIN 3 PARAGRAPHS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING The INFORMATION.  Malcolm X – The Ballot or the Bullet Speech the speech is on YouTube. Paragraph 1: Content Sentence 1 – Who was the speaker?  Sentence 2- Where was the speech given? Sentence  3 – When was the speech given? (month and year)  Sentence 4 […]

YOUR ESSAY SHOULD CONTAIN 3 PARAGRAPHS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING HeINFORMATION. Malcolm X – The Ballot or the Bullet Speech the speech is on YouTube. Paragraph 1: Content Sentence 1 – Who was the spea

YOUR ESSAY SHOULD CONTAIN 3 PARAGRAPHS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING HeINFORMATION.  Malcolm X – The Ballot or the Bullet Speech the speech is on YouTube. Paragraph 1: ContentSentence 1 – Who was the speaker?Sentence 2- Where was the speech given?Sentence 3 – When was the speech given? (month and year)Sentence 4 – Why was the speech […]

Essay 1: Summarizing a Conversation Purpose:  Your purpose for this essay is to summarize three voices in a conversation, specifically, Malik (“The Myth of Free Speech”), Pollitt (“The Left Needs Fre

    Essay 1: Summarizing a ConversationPurpose: Your purpose for this essay is to summarize three voices in a conversation, specifically, Malik(“The Myth of Free Speech”), Pollitt (“The Left Needs Free Speech), and Wu (“The FirstAmendment is Out of Control”). Each of these three authors is making an argument about theproblems Americans (and some other controls) […]

View as TextDownload Automatic Zoom Actual Size Page Fit Page Width 50%

View as TextDownload                     Automatic Zoom                     Actual Size                     Page Fit                     Page Width                                          50%                    […]

of 2View as TextDownload Automatic Zoom Actual Size Page Fit Page Width 50%

of 2View as TextDownload                     Automatic Zoom                     Actual Size                     Page Fit                     Page Width                                          50%                 […]

Summary #3: CABIN Summary for “The Left Needs Free Speech”Previous Next InstructionsFor this summary, write a one-paragraph summary that applies all of the strategies covered in the "How to W

Summary #3: CABIN Summary for “The Left Needs Free Speech”Previous Next InstructionsFor this summary, write a one-paragraph summary that applies all of the strategies covered in the "How to Write an Effective Summary": CABIN strategies, ID tags, signal verbs, and coherence. Type your summary in a Word file and save it as a .DOC or .DOCX and […]

Explore current trends in e-commerce and predict how they will shape the future of online business. You CAN NOT use any AI related program to write your essay. All entries will be checked with an AI

Explore current trends in e-commerce and predict how they will shape the future of online business. You CAN NOT use any AI related program to write your essay. All entries will be checked with an AI content detection tool and disqualified if used. You should double check for typos and grammatical errors. Remember, not everything will be underlined […]

Table of Contents Quotation Explications Quotation Explication #2Quotation Explication #2Previous Next InstructionsComplete the steps below for the following quote: QUOTE #1. Jean-Paul Sartre: &

Table of Contents Quotation Explications Quotation Explication #2Quotation Explication #2Previous Next InstructionsComplete the steps below for the following quote: QUOTE #1. Jean-Paul Sartre: "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Step 1: Retype the quote (don't copy and paste), putting it in quotation marks and putting the author's last name in parentheses at the end […]

Summary #2: CABIN Summary for “The Myth of the Free Speech Crisis”Assignment Due December 17 at 11:59 PM Available on Dec 13, 2024 6:30 PM. Access restricted before availability starts. Available unt

Summary #2: CABIN Summary for “The Myth of the Free Speech Crisis”Assignment  Due December 17 at 11:59 PM Available on Dec 13, 2024 6:30 PM. Access restricted before availability starts. Available until Dec 18, 2024 11:59 PM. Access restricted after availability ends.For this summary, write a one-paragraph summary that applies all of the strategies covered in the "How to Write an […]

Due December 17 at 11:59 PM Available on Dec 13, 2024 6:30 PM. Access restricted before availability starts. Available until Dec 18, 2024 11:59 PM. Access restricted after availability ends.For this s

 Due December 17 at 11:59 PM Available on Dec 13, 2024 6:30 PM. Access restricted before availability starts. Available until Dec 18, 2024 11:59 PM. Access restricted after availability ends.For this summary, write a one-paragraph summary that applies all of the strategies covered in the "How to Write an Effective Summary": CABIN strategies, ID tags, signal verbs, and coherence. Type […]

Hello i Need someone to write an essay for me. It is for my religions class. I have attached an example to go off of. THe guidlines are as follows: I use three criteria to grade essays:1. Structure2

Hello i Need someone to write an essay for me. It is for my religions class. I have attached an example to go off of.  THe guidlines are as follows:  I use three criteria to grade essays:1. Structure2. Thesis statement3. ExecutionSTRUCTURE: The essay should have the following elements.I. Introduction, where you discuss: a) why should […]

Expository Essay Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write an expository essay in the style described in Units VI and VII. As discussed in Unit VI, Lesson 1, the expository essay

Expository Essay Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write an expository essay in the style described in Units VI and VII. As discussed in Unit VI, Lesson 1, the expository essay is a general term for an essay that conveys information to the reader by explaining a topic, process, or issue. Your […]