you are to choose a New York State case preferably considered at the appellate level within the last five years. The case should deal with significant jurisprudential issues of substantive (not proced
you are to choose a New York State case preferably considered at the appellate level within the last five years. The case should deal with significant jurisprudential issues of substantive (not procedural) criminal law (like the cases we read in class). Once you choose your case submit it to me by e-mail. All other students […]
Test # 2 – Internship Follies The Criminal Justice Faculty of Butica College founded by Serious University is discussing the effectiveness of its renowned internship program. Program Coordinator Profe
Test # 2 – Internship Follies The Criminal Justice Faculty of Butica College founded by Serious University is discussing the effectiveness of its renowned internship program. Program Coordinator Profe Test # 2 – Internship Follies The Criminal Justice Faculty of Butica College founded by Serious University is discussing the effectiveness of its renowned internship program. […]
Test # 2 – Internship Follies The Criminal Justice Faculty of Butica College founded by Serious University is discussing the effectiveness of its renowned internship program. Program Coordinator Profe
Test # 2 – Internship Follies The Criminal Justice Faculty of Butica College founded by Serious University is discussing the effectiveness of its renowned internship program. Program Coordinator Professor Truce McBrude calls the group together and announces this year each of the intern candidates will be tested on their understanding of criminal law prior to […]
You are to choose a New York State case preferably considered at the appellate level within the last five years. The case should deal with significant jurisprudential issues of substantive (not proced
You are to choose a New York State case preferably considered at the appellate level within the last five years. The case should deal with significant jurisprudential issues of substantive (not procedural) criminal law (like the cases we read in class). Once you choose your case submit it to me by e-mail. All other students […]